General Breastfeeding Resources
- – Kelly Bonyata is a LLL Leader and IBCLC whose site contains excellent information on almost anything breastfeeding
- Global Health Media – Good Video resources
- Australian Breastfeeding Association
- La Leche League
- Natural Breastfeeding Techniques – Laid Back position, Natural or Biologic Breastfeeding
- Biological Natural Breastfeeding – Natural or Biologic Breastfeeding, Laid Back position
Breastfeeding and Medications
Hand expression
Tongue Ties
Low Milk supply
General Information
- Early Start Line: 403-244-8351 – Telephone line providing information for parents of babies under two months old
- Health Link: 811 – Alberta telephone health advice for all ages
- Alberta Health Services – Alberta Health Services parent information website
- Canadian Pediatric Society Canadian Pediatric Society’s Parent information website
Mental Health Support
- Families Matter: website –, phone – 403-205-5178
- Access Mental Health: 403-943-1500 (Calgary), 1-877-652-4700(Rural Alberta)
- Distress Centre Calgary: 403-266-HELP(4357) 24 hr support
Infant Colic
Infant Sleep
Infant Torticollis